As we get deeper into 2014 it is enlightening to reflect on expected hiring trends in this new year and see if they are coming to light. Even though it is still early in the year it is easy to see if some of these trends will prove true or not in the coming months.
At the beginning of 2014 a study based on surveys of 2,201 hiring managers and human resource professionals from Fox Business made several specific predictions on what the hiring market would look like. For example, it was predicted that sales and technology positions would be jobs that companies are trying to fill the most. Part-time hiring was also expected to rise with 17% of employers predicted to recruit part-time workers throughout the year. Skills gaps are also expected to widen with half of human resource managers saying they have positions that they can’t find qualified candidates for.
In these first four months of 2014 we have seen signs of all of this prove to be true. Which trends are proving truest for you in your business?
Read the article here: