It’s getting hot in here! 25% of office workers feel their productivity decreases in the summer time. This is due to many different factors, including vacations, summer time distractions, the heat, and the list goes on. If you’re an employer fearing the summer slump we are here to help! Here are some fun and productive summer team-building activities that can help to boost your employees’ morale and guarantee that summer is just as productive as the rest of the year:
– Outdoor Excursions: Take advantage of the warm weather by taking employees out of the office to embark on some type of outdoor activity everybody can do together. In Los Angeles, some great ideas are a group hike, stand-up paddle boarding or even a surfing lesson!
– Field Trip: Field trips aren’t just for middle school students! Not everybody will be able to do this, but if you have flexibility to shut down the office for a day, a coordinated day trip can be an amazing way to bond your employees and give everybody a well-deserved treat. Some ideas are a day of wine tasting, a food tour of local favorites, or a visit to the best museums in the city.
– Yoga: Not only is yoga a great way to keep your employees healthy and happy, it is also best done outside, making it a perfect summer activity. Have a yoga instructor come in once a month and hold an outdoor yoga class for willing participants. This shows you care about your employees’ wellbeing and will offer a nice productive break from the workday.
– Off-site Lunches: Sharing a meal together outside of the office encourages employees to open up and get to know each other. Host a lunch for your employees at a relaxing nearby restaurant.
– Summer Potluck: Have everybody bring in their favorite summer dish or dessert to share with their co-workers. This will lead to a fun atmosphere on that day and make employees feel like they are sharing a meal with friends!
You might be wondering how these non-work activities could possibly lead to better productivity. These types of activities increase morale, which is key to a happier and more well rounded employee. Low morale can lead to low productivity and an increased turnover. Here at Treehouse Partners we try to mix things up once in awhile with bike rides to our favorite local ice cream shop and outdoor lunches. What are your favorite team-building activities for the summer?