With the holiday season right around the corner, people are starting to shop for gifts for friends and family, prepare festive foods, invite guests over to celebrate Thanksgiving, and maybe even decorate their houses. Although this season is a fantastic opportunity to spend time with loved ones and be thankful for what we have, we often forget to bring that thankful holiday spirit into our workplace. In fact, according to a survey conducted by John Templeton Foundation, Americans are less likely to feel or express gratitude at work than anyplace else! We think employees and employers should take the time to demonstrate their appreciation for those within their office, as doing this can boost morale and increase productivity. Not to mention, you’ll feel great for making someone’s day a little bit brighter. Here are some suggestions to incorporate gratitude into the office!
Write a thank-you card:
In this day and age, where we communicate primarily through email, phone, and social media platforms, we rarely (if ever) receive handwritten notes. This Thanksgiving, consider showing your appreciation for an employee by giving them a handwritten thank-you note for something they may have done for you. According to an online study by Harris Interactive, “53% of employees would stay at their company longer if they felt more appreciation from their boss, and 81% said they’re motivated to work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work.” So employers, get out your pens and start writing!
Thank the people who never get thanked:
There are inevitably people in the office we typically forget to thank. These people put in an immense amount of effort into their work and nobody even realizes it. For example, when was the last time you thanked the janitor who cleans your office every night after you leave, or the intern that makes your life easier without you even realizing it? Psychologists say that being appreciated can energize individuals, promote healthy sleep habits, increase productivity, enhance happiness, and even decrease blood pressure! So take time this holiday season to thank the people you rarely acknowledge on a day-to-day basis.
Incorporate gratitude your company culture:
Employers can integrate gratitude into their companies in numerous ways! For example, you can develop a company gratitude journal, where both employees and employers can make notes of things (even anonymously) they are grateful for in the office. According to Forbes contributor, Nancy Collamer, explicitly stating what you are thankful for produces serotonin and dopamine — the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals, which reduces anxiety and stress, thereby increasing productivity and promoting happiness. If you’re an employee, maybe suggest implementing an office gratitude journal or gratitude bulletin board to your higher-ups.
Volunteer with your employees or coworkers:
Especially over Thanksgiving, there are endless opportunities to volunteer and give back to your community. For example, you can arrange a company trip to help out at a local food bank or food kitchen. If your office is too busy to volunteer during this hectic season, you can always create a “donation box” and have people donate items they want to give away and then drop off this box off to a local organization. Knowing that you made a positive difference in someone’s life will not only make your day brighter but also provide you with some great health benefits. In fact, a report conducted by A Corporation for National & Community Service concluded volunteering decreases depression, reduces stress, and provides individuals with a sense of purpose and fulfillment!
We hope you were inspired by some of these suggestions and consider incorporating these tips into your own workplace. All of us at Treehouse Partners wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love and happiness (and of course, great food)!
Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2016/11/14/why-giving-thanks-is-good-for-your-career/#6d44724659d1